At any point, you will be able to log in and check the status of the tickets you have raised by clicking on the Check ticket status link, as shown below:




A ticket can have various statuses. You can filter out tickets based on the 'Status' by using the drop-down above the list of tickets:





  • All Tickets view

Choosing All Tickets will show every ticket raised by you in the helpdesk, no matter what the status of the tickets is.


  • Being Processed/Awaiting your reply

For every ticket raised by you, the status will be Being Processed by default. When your ticket is being worked upon and if more information is required from you then the status is changed to Awaiting your Reply.


  • Resolved or Closed.

The ticket is marked as Resolved when the agent provides the solution for your question/issue. The ticket is marked as closed when you confirm the resolution of the ticket.


Note: - You will be able to reply to the ticket at any point in time to reopen it in case of further questions.